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Epic Seven -エピックセブン- Part.735

130 :名無しですよ、名無し!:2022/02/23(水) 17:22:05.04 ID:ReHqZXS10.net

■ Epic Seven x Twitch Drops – Drop The Leif! – Details

1. Schedule: 2/24 (Thu) 3:00 ~ 2/28 (Mon) 2:59 UTC

2. Target: All Heirs on the Korea/Asia/Europe/ Global servers

3. Details: After linking your account to Twitch and watching the Livestream for more than 15 minutes, you will receive Leif and Charms

4. Twitch Drops Reward
1 2/24 (Thu) 3:00 ~ 2/25 (Fri) 2:59 UTC Leif x3 Greater Equipment Charm x2
2 2/25 (Fri) 3:00 ~ 2/26 (Sat) 2:59 UTC Leif x3 Greater Accessory Charm x2
3 2/26 (Sat) 3:00 ~ 2/27 (Sun) 2:59 UTC Leif x3 Greater Equipment Charm x2
4 2/27 (Sun) 3:00 ~ 2/28 (Mon) 2:59 UTC Leif x3 Greater Accessory Charm x2

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175 KB

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