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248 :名無しって、書けない?:2019/02/14(木) 18:46:03.77 ID:nL6fsBtl0St.V.net
>>234 の訂正板
>>235 の訂正を反映させ、更に、日向坂46板新設日および過去3回の申請日を追加
後は、2行目に日向坂46板の板設定の申請日を入れ、>>202 の鏡文(日本語)の下
に挿入すれば、>>202 の文面それ自体は完成です。

Along with the opening of Hinatazaka46 board on Feb. 12th and the application of
changes in its setting.txt on Feb. Xth, we re-examined the better setting for users
of Keyakizaka46 board from which the Hinatazaka46’s residents have moved. As a
result, we are quite sure that the modification in our setting.txt also gets more
necessary than before and decided to change it.
We will re-apply for the following modification in setting.txt. Its contents are exactly
same as those applied but unprocessed on Aug. 8th, Sept. 3rd and Dec. 29th 2018.
Thank you.

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