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507 :774RR:2019/10/25(金) 07:50:30.43 ID:1/fDXtCP.net
    , ゝ __
  /        ` ‐ - ,
イ                 ` ‐ -.、 Voracious children and wolves
             ⌒丶、     }  Sharpen their teeth on our bones
            `ヽ    ^~!.  ;     Carrion feeds the wretched
              \   .\  .{ Vacant eyes peer through the hole
`ヽ        `f,     ` 、  .\'  Beggars and thieves bring down a common enemy
  ヽ` ‐-、     ‘‐ _     `ヽ  } While pawnshop kings and corner queens
   ヽ  ‘ ヽ   ゚, `7     } /  All hawk their souls for gold
    ヽ  ’.,    ., 弋 入   ム'´
     ヽ__ )ゝ   }  ,イ    /  Lifelong victims pound and claw at the ground
        §/   ノ  .乂 < ´   Searching for any way out of their skin
       §/                Writhe in the cruel bloom
       §           Trying so hard to find beauty in flesh torn from me
      ,§、 プラーン      Trying so hard not to lose you in cobwebs and empty hearts
    〈:://二§_         Lifelong victims pound and claw at the ground
   /ヽ  ヽ ヽ           Searching for any way out of their skin
 .  |:: |:::.  天|  |           Writhe in the cruel bloom
.   |:: |:::.   |   | ←>>945(笑)
   〈:: 〉::  誅 | /|         All that you own suffer no fools
 .  |:: |____∧_,|        They will not have their days
   (((〈::: _ /  /)      Your broken wings drag us down into the shadows
    |::::   |::  |         There's no room for foul soil on this good earth
 .   |:: =|::: =|
     /::__) /::__)
     / / /ノ,/ ))

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497 KB

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