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サファリゾーンリヴァプールSafari Zone in Liverpool

124 :ピカチュウ:2020/03/24(火) 22:41:35.48 ID:AJ26pYwqa.net

In light of current events, we recognize it may be more difficult for you to get outside to explore. We’ve updated some of the Safari Zone features, so that you can enjoy the event wherever you can play.
Incense: Incense activated during the event time frame listed on your ticket will last for eight hours and be even more effective at attracting Pokémon.
Safari Zone Special Research: All tasks will be possible to complete wherever you can play and will feature increased Poké Ball rewards so you can keep catching.
We hope these updates will help you enjoy the global gameplay offered to Safari Zone St. Louis event ticket holders.

—The Pokémon GO team

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