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【第13回】SNH48 GROUP 選抜総選挙 〜 0 + 1 の答え 〜

349 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2024/05/31(金) 10:22:08.81 ID:HXf/61fI.net

5月05日: 公布2名20期生成员

5月12日: 嘉兴路Goddesses ೪೩೩、颜沁、
虹口Dramatic Stories 孙晓艳、
The announcement of her departure was a bit anticlimactic
cuz we all knew that it would happen sooner or later,
but it still doesn’t take away the fact that Triple-S was
one of the most important members of the Seine Group.
Her contribution to the group over the last eight years
cannot be emphasized enough.

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