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604 :Mサイズ名無し (ワッチョイ edc7-VeSj):2015/12/01(火) 09:07:32.02 ID:AbIt2Vsf0.net
Code Monkey, you have to check the generating logic of the strings now 嫌儲 forced by Mango like this.

>7 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 5b16-VeSj)[] 投稿日:2015/11/30(月) 23:59:24.93 ID:GTrBAhBs0

If the string "ワッチョイ 5b16-VeSj" was generated with invertible transformation from the writer's IP address
the inverting logic can make great amount of money by selling it secretly.

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