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【エコマナ】聖剣伝説 ECHOES of MANA part68

135 :名無しですよ、名無し!(神奈川県) (ワッチョイ 4b37-xXOg):2022/07/13(水) 20:22:25 ID:0AcWMc4u0.net

You'd have to make this free at this point if you wanna save your game. It's so dead.

Their Twitter posts get negligible interactions, co-op has next to no one in it 99% of the time, and they can't even hit simple like goals for Twitter promotions. The game is dead.

I wish the fan base of the series was bigger like in japan, but it's not easy

You are generous and you desrve better than tbis, but not reaching your goal for a second time in a row is just sad, i like this game so much but i have a feeling it won’t laat long,

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★