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【NIA】 ポケモンGO Lv 322【ポケゴ】

559 :ピカチュウ (ワッチョイW fb5c-4iqd []):2016/08/04(木) 07:48:30.06 ID:7l1M7ohF0.net
@everyone Final Status Update:

Niantic has now began to obfuscate the API answers. This means that we will need to update the POGOProtos and implement the new hash b1f2bf509a025b7cd76e1c484e2a24411c50f0612.

Reverse Engineering an App with SSL Pinning is hard to do, thanks to git user rastapasta & cstrachan88 we able to bypass these security measures.

Niantic took a big step to block Bots. But we are sure this is bypassable.

Sorry for the inconvienience.

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