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ポケモンGO Plus総合スレ Part.38

521 :ピカチュウ (ワッチョイ 6f4a-JQ1R):2017/01/19(木) 23:16:35.48 ID:IIKRsiDF0.net

Pokemon GOサポートへのお問合せありがとうございます。 [#xxxxxxxx]


We've received your report. Please note that you won’t receive a personalized response regarding your issue unless more information is needed to investigate.
If you are in need of support, please submit a support request in the Help Center: https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/articles/222249687

Here is some information from our Help Center on your issue:

If you're having a temporary issue with Pokemon GO that you're not able to reproduce reliably, note that in general, one of the following should resolve it:

* Android devices: From your device's Home screen, visit Settings > Touch Apps or Application Manager > Pokemon GO, and touch Force Stop. Visit Storage and touch Clear Cache.
* iOS devices: From your device’s Home screen, visit Settings > Privacy > Location Services and toggle Pokemon GO off then back on.
* Remove and then reinstall the Pokemon GO app.
* Reboot your device.
Your game progress will not be lost by performing these steps, as all game progress is stored online.

Thank you for your help.


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