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【ピゴサ】P-GO SEARCH閉鎖 3回目 【くくさまありがとう】

949 :ピカチュウ:2017/07/21(金) 11:40:28.84 ID:h1EDUM6FM.net
@everyone A certain individual has been sending emails to several RocketMap users and their hosts,
with accusations of abuse and requesting the host to shut down the services their clients are using (and sometimes paying for).

He signs his emails with the name "Jake McKnight",
using the email address j.mcknight@pokemon.com and the name "The Pokémon Company International".

The contents of these emails usually include accusations of:

1. Creating "fake" Pokémon Trainer Club accounts
2. Scanning an area and presenting a map for Pokémon Go players
3. Breaking the Pokémon Go and/or PTC ToS

Since there is no way to see the contents of an external server, hosting a Google Map is allowed,
all data can be crowdsourced, and RocketMap doesn't come with copyrighted or trademarked material,
there is no basis for his accusations.

And if there would be, we expect The Pokémon Company International to understand the legal repercussions of false accusations and to follow proper legal procedure.

We take this very seriously, as he is claiming to be an official representative by using The Pokémon Company International's name,
without having any legal background or identification (he's an operations engineer). This can constitute criminal impersonation.

Therefore, we ask that anyone contacted by this individual sends an email to the following email addresses (CC them),
asking them to investigate the potentially illegal intimidation by their employee "Jake McKnight", or to formally identify him as a legal representative for The Pokémon Company International:
Customer support: customerservice@pokemon.com
Nintendo of America Legal Department: noalegal@noa.nintendo.com
Legal department: s.johnson@pokemon.com
Director, President's Office: t.kubota@pokemon.com
Senior HR Manager: j.powers@pokemon.com

These are all publicly disclosed email addresses, although we can't say if all of them are still active.

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