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ポケモンGo ポケットオートキャッチ GO-TCHA総合スレ Part.2

380 :ピカチュウ:2018/01/16(火) 23:05:37.64 ID:rQGYkkGl0.net
844 1 名前:ピカチュウ Mail:sage 投稿日:2018/01/13(土) 10:23:18.64 ID:xskxyDU50
Software Update

Software updates for Go-tcha are now available in the
Apple App Store. The latest update resolves the issues
with Auto Catch features on iOS devices

Auto Catch features and Update 1.53.2

Go-tcha users who have updated to version 1.53.2 may have
encountered an issue with the Auto Catch features. This
problem is triggered if users update to version 11.1.2 on
their iOS device.

This issue has been dealt with on units that are now
shipping and a firmware update for current Go-tcha users
is available on the Apple App store

All other Go-tcha features are unaffected enabling use of
the button to catch when prompted by the Go-tcha animation.

ポケゴー 1.53.2 (11月22日リリース)で Go-tchaの自動捕獲ができなく
なった不具合を修正するためのアップデート。この不具合はポケゴー 1.53.5
(現在はAppleStoreのみ、Google Playは準備中)

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