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【IDなし】ポケGOユーチューバー総合 アコス 2人目 【みんなアコス】

28 :ピカチュウ:2018/03/28(水) 17:20:47.39 .net
Pokémon GO will have a big improvement before the next #PokemonCommunityDay.
First, we will find a great 'ABILITY' on every Pokémon.
'ABILITY' is known as an indivisual power which supports each Pokémon when fiting or any other time.
And this time, we can find 'Vulpix' with a hidden ABILITY 'DRAUGHT' during PokémonCommunityHour,
which means, if we walk around with Vulpix who has that ABILITY in bad weather,
soon it comes to be very sunny and dries up all your huge tears.
not only boost all FIRE type attack damages.
It sounds so great, isn't it?
To say about Vulpix, they keep their ABILITIES after evolution, so it could be your destination that we spend a great time with Vulpix or Ninetales with 'DRAUGHT' ABILITY.

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