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【ポケスト】Niantic Wayfarerその54【審査】

954 :ピカチュウ :2022/01/21(金) 18:37:58.92 ID:GXqL8xGH0.net

Hey @avinashtandel-PGO! The time taken for a submission to be reviewed or to get into voting may be affected by many factors like the backlog of submissions in the queue, the number of reviewers in the community. You can make use of the Upgrade feature to fast-track your nominations. Upgraded nominations will be reviewed in a more timely manner than if they are not Upgraded.
Also, do keep in mind that, any edits made will push the submission to the bottom of the queue. Please give it sometime, and keep a tab on it!

any edits made will push the submission to the bottom of the queueのところです

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