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【ポケスト】Niantic Wayfarerその76【審査】

384 :ピカチュウ (アウアウウー Sa95-ykVw):2023/03/20(月) 17:41:04.71 ID:OPQZbtwZa.net


Hello Explorer,

We have confirmed that you have been incorrectly reviewing nominations. We suggest you to take your time to check our Niantic Wayfarer support article (https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/en/21-wayfarer/).

Please keep in mind that high-quality Wayspots are those that help players discover and enjoy their communities. Whether you’re nominating a Wayspot or reviewing a nomination, it’s important to know whether a given object or real-world location is suitable for acceptance. To be considered an eligible Wayspot, it should meet the Wayspot acceptance and eligibility criteria.

Low-quality Wayspots are those which fall under rejection criteria and do not meet the eligibility and acceptance criteria along with adhering to the title, description, photo and content guidelines.



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