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【ポケスト】Niantic Wayfarerその87【審査】

42 :ピカチュウ :2023/12/05(火) 17:06:27.12 ID:o8ZY8NR00.net



To provide a personal example, the town I grew up in is very small and doesn't have a lot of small businesses but we do have a Starbucks where EVERYONE goes to gather and catch up and grab a coffee. I would take visitors there as a highlight of a tour of my town (no joke).
As a nominator, that context is important to include so that the reviewer understands that this particular location is more than a normal Starbucks.



For reviewers, even a generic business in a small town can be an important part of the local community.
Having said that, if you are able to verify that the nomination is a generic business with no importance or significance to the community you can reject it under "Other Rejection Criteria".


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